Sleep disorder

For decades, I have frequently struggled to go to sleep quickly and then stay asleep. I have tried many different solutions; listening to the internal body clock, cool and dark bedroom, lavender oil, no devices or caffeine after a certain etc etc. None of these seemed...

Depression and anxiety

Hi there my name is John and I have been a patient of Jason for nearly a year now. Jason has been treating me for depression, fatigue, elbow strain and shoulder pain. Jason has been very supportive with helping me with my health issues and very good at fixing my...

Yang Axis

The Yang Axis: Jing, Qi, and Shen In the intricate dance of Yin and Yang, understanding the Yang axis brings clarity to the active, dynamic energies that animate our existence. Central to the Yang axis are the concepts of Jing, Qi, and Shen – fundamental...

Yin Axis

The Yin Axis: Qi, Blood, and Body Fluids In our exploration of Yin and Yang, it’s crucial to understand their manifestations within our own bodies. As an integral part of the Yin axis, Qi, Blood, and Body Fluids represent the supportive and nourishing elements...

Yin Yang Basics

Ying Yang Basics – Harmony and Balance Within At the heart of Yin and Yang lies the philosophy of duality, interdependence, and continuous change. These two principles form the base units of the cosmos, representing opposing yet complementary forces that...